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Kenn, Rune Walker

Know Your Path

"In this life I strive for harmony and freedom while in pursuit of knowledge and experiences to

enrich and enjoy my life. I desire to take on life’s experiences with ambition.

I will honorably and resourcefully face the challenges I encounter."


Kenn was born in Salt Lake City, Utah in 1975. He grew up in a rural town in Northern Utah. His first religion was Mormonism. Kenn was a faithful and devout member through his teen years. Kenn decided to leave the church because he could not find common ground between how he felt and the precepts of the church.


After so many years devoted to religion and spirituality that didn't fit, Kenn spent the next decade or so wandering this existence without a core spiritual belief system. Kenn explored Wicca for a very brief time as well as Druidry. There was even a brief affair with the Tarot. 


Kenn moved to Portland, Oregon after being drawn to the beauty and green of the Pacific Northwest. Little did he know that he would find true traction here leading him toward his own hearth. The hearth is the center of the home. Warmth is taken here. Food is prepared here. We are all in search of this hearth and yet it is inside each of us. 


One day Kenn walked into New Renaissance book store. After wandering for a while he noticed that there was a reader giving Rune Readings. He peeked his head around the corner and saw a wild hair woman with her Runes on the table. He sat down. That was the first time he had been introduced to the Runes. And yet there was something so familiar that they could be nothing less than a memory rising to the surface.


Over a decade later, Kenn has accepted the path of a Rune Walker and Shaman in the Northern Traditions of Pre-Christian Northern Europe, Norse and Anglo Saxon. He provides services to his local and global communities. Kenn teaches classes, lectures and offers guided meditations. He offers healing sessions when applicable and  is able to refer clients to practitioners who may be better suited to their needs.


"As a Rune Walker of the Northern Traditions it is my desire that we know ourselves better to be able to live more fully and experience less unnecessary resistance. This is accomplished through personal rune readings, written materials, classes, healings, meditations, online posts/videos and workshops where I facilitate introductions to your undomesticated self, the Runes of Northern Europe, your spirit allies and helpful skills to transform your life."


Remembering the Runes and growing relationships with them and the Old Gods of Northern Europe has given Kenn a connection to the past and his ancestors that shapes his world view. It provides him the tools to enrich his life and truly access his essence as a passionate, free being. It allows him to enjoy living life one moment at a time while respecting and admiring the cycle within which we exist.





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